Posted on 10/18/2018

A lot of us buy our first car in high school after getting the freedom of a driver's license. We hope that that the fifteen year old Toyota Camry we cruised around in high school lasts through college, but sometimes it just can't make it another day and we find ourselves having to go through the buying process in college, broke. Here are a few short tips every college student should have when on a budget Buy Used When you're living on a $10 per hour part time job and paying for school expenses, buying a brand new car is not a good use of your limited funds especially since the value of a new car drops significantly as soon as you drive it off the lot. So check out used cars around two to three years old (after that time period the value of a car greatly depreciates). Bonus, the car insurance for a used vehicle is much less expensive reducing your overall cost of owning a car ... read more
Posted on 10/18/2018

During the Thanksgiving holiday season thousands of students pack up their cars and head home for stuffing, turkey and awkward family discussions about what major they chose or what they'll be doing post-college. Here are some tips from us that will get you home safely so at least you get one less lecture this holiday season: Inspect Your Vehicle One of the simplest things you can do before you head off on a long road trip is inspect your car. You should look for any noticeable damages: ensure all your lights, tires and safety features are operational. Check your vehicle's fluids such as your oil, antifreeze and gas. If your trip is super long, consider getting an oil change (we have a discount going on right now!). And don't forget to check your wiper blades, the holiday season can bring on severe weather and you need your wipers to operate at your very ... read more